Product Details
It can be frustrating, dirty, and sometimes dangerous work cleaning off your windshield. Give yourself a hand with the process by installing an AlphaTherm Windshield Washer Heater.
The concept is simple enough: just as you wash your dishes in hot water because they end up being cleaned better that way, this windshield washer fluid heater warms your washer fluid to as much as 135 degrees (F) before spraying. By doing so, it allows the fluid to clean more deeply than it otherwise might. This goes beyond melting snow and ice, which the AlphaTherm Windshield Washer Heater certainly will do: everything, including bugs, dirt, and even glare, is wiped away to a much greater degree with warm fluid. Designed to use minimal energy, this heater is easy to hook up to your vehicle's electrical and wiper systems, working in tandem with them as though a part of your vehicle's original factory set-up. You won't notice a difference in how it operates, though, other than your windshield being cleaner, faster, when you want it to be.
The AlphaTherm Windshield Washer Heater is one revolutionary product that makes your life easier. Find out how by picking one up today. Backed by a 1-Year Warranty.